May 19th rehearsal at Brookville HS!

The EC Glass band concert is Thursday evening May 19th, so they need to use the band room. Trombonist Mario Ruiz has acquired the use of his band room at Brookville for that evening. Thank you Mario! BTW-we have a bass clarinet player! Jim

Thursday Night Rehearsal May 12th

Balance Chords Irish Tune From County Derry (20-5min) Think of this piece as a long crescendo that starts on meas 1 but peaks at measure 58! It rises and falls along the way, but the true climax happens at 58. Grainger was a master of orchestration. You will notice...

From your Metronome – Friday, May 6th

What a joy, what a joy, what a joy it is to conduct the Lynchburg Pops Community Band! Last night was another outstanding rehearsal in that it surpassed my expectations. Your commitment to maximizing our time together is appreciated. A special shoutout to all the...

Thursday May 5th rehearsal – schedule

Thursday May 5th Rehearsal Balance Chords 5min If I Could Fly sight-reading 15min Carnival of Venice sight-reading 20 min (Flute Sectional with Bonnie Brunner in another room) The rest of the band continues with the following… Someone to Watch Over Me 15 min Fanfare...

A few suggestions from your metronome!

As is obvious by the new music you have, you are ready to move forward into the realm of the upper levels of music literature. On January 20 you began as a ragtag ensemble. By April 21, just 13 weeks later, you established yourself as a musical presence in the...