Last Night/Tomorrow Night

Last night…WOW! You knocked it out of the ballpark. You played so well. I immediately went to the lobby to greet people as they left. Several were in tears explaining to me what the concert meant to them. My wife’s best friend, Dee Griiffith, lost her...


Dear friends, What a joy it is to be the conductor of the Pops Band. Scripture tells us that “Every good and perfect gift comes down to us from the Father of Lights…” You are indeed a gift from the Lord to me and I treasure every moment in rehearsal that we are...

PLEASE READ! Busy week. Basic Information

Dear friends, Please read and "process" the following information. Our dress rehearsal will be at Heritage HS Monday evening at 7pm-9pm or as needed. Don’t dress up but please be prompt. Warm-ups Yes Virginia There Is a Santa Claus with Mari White and...

where we are…and the Mall

Black Pants/Skirt/Dress, Black (not white) shirt/blouse, Black socks for men (not patterned or with musical instruments…black) Colorful Christmas Ties for the men, (or women) Santa or Christmas Hat for the appropriate songs, (Happy Holidays, Yes, Virginia…) The...

Last Rehearsal tonight…

…until the dress rehearsal on Monday Nov 27! I have an amended schedule for tonight based upon who’s available when. We will begin with the instrumental music while the singers rehearse with Harold in the chorus room. Warm ups Star-Spangled Banner A...