Thursday rehearsal June 13

Please report an absence to me. Thanks. Jim Mostly new music! It should be fun! Warm Up Festive Overture (Runthrough followed by "How to rehearse this piece for accuracy") 15 min Copacabana 10 min Captain America March 15 min Guardians of the Galaxy 15 min...

New Songs on the Website

Per Maestro’s request, I have created a new folder, "Mall Concert-2024". It contains the following songs: Beach Boys Medley Holiday Road Jimmy Buffet Lassus Trombone (moved from the Celebration folder) Cartoon Carnival Singin’ in the Rain Star...

Thursday Night & New Music

Many thanks to those of you who moved equipment, brought water, the Ship’s Bell, set up chairs, etc. You make it happen for all of us!! Below are links to 3 more songs. We may have more before Thursday. The basic plan is… Warm Up Beach Boys Singin’...