As is obvious by the new music you have, you are ready to move forward into the realm of the upper levels of music literature. On January 20 you began as a ragtag ensemble. By April 21, just 13 weeks later, you established yourself as a musical presence in the community capable of inspiring an audience. On April 21 you took your audience on a musical journey and gave them an emotional hour. You touched something inside of them with your artistry. THAT is the purpose of all art. But, have we arrived?
“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded…”
To aspire to this level of music requires that we give more of ourselves (including me) by setting a higher level of personal discipline. We must strive to be more efficient in rehearsal, to maximize our time together so we can master music like Symphonic Dance no. 3, Chorale and Shaker Dance, Carmen Suite, Carnival of Venice, and Irish Tune from County Derry. And more great music is coming! To master the efficiency necessary, here’s what we must do…
· Less chatter and banter, When the conductor steps to the podium and signals the downbeat of the Balance Chords, all talking must cease. I enjoy the community of friendship we are developing. It makes my heart soar to see so many of you arriving early for practice or hanging out afterwards with groups of friends. But the social side of this activity should be before 7pm and after 8:45pm.
· More detailed rehearsing. As conductorI must spend more time working the rhythmical passages for precision. This means more stops and starts.
· Be prepared for rehearsal. Do the necessary practice prior to rehearsal. Isolate those passages that don’t fall easy on the fingers. I will send out more specific detailed rehearsal procedures earlier in the week for your preparation.
· Down the Line is the last rehearsal technique I wish to use but it may become necessary. This is where I ask individuals to demonstrate a passage for the purpose of cleaning it. It’s the least efficient effort during band rehearsal but it may become necessary to pinpoint musical problems. Your personal preparation will alleviate this.
· Accept positive criticism when it’s offered you. Our ensemble is blessed to have 15 professional musicians who will perform the music with greater ease than most of you, but the LPCB is not about them, it’s about "us." Lean on them. Don’t beat yourself if you don’t match up to them. Do your best and give to the ensemble what you can. If you have to fake a passage, so be it. (There are moments when I fake it in front of you!)
A detailed rehearsal plan for Thursday is coming!
I am excited for our future. We have an opportunity to appear at a Community Band Festival in June 2023 in Fairfax. I would also like to apply for us to be showcased at the 2023 Virginia Music Educator’s Conference in Richmond. And the Sousa Centennial Concert will be here before you know it. Let’s go forward in appreciation for the talent and expertise we have been given and rejoice to share it with our audiences! To move them is our goal.