Dear friends,
I offer my sincere thanks to you who show strong commitment to the band by your constant presence at all or most of the rehearsals. However, some have been erratic in attendance without any kind of communication with me. I am understanding when family matters pop up, however communication is essential to administer the band properly. Please step it up-Commit and Communicate.
Do not consider Thursday rehearsal just another activity on your plate, deem it the activity for Thursday evening from 7pm-9pm.
Consider Thursday night’s rehearsals as therapy, not work. Music heals. Come heal yourself of your busy day.
Communicate with Jim if you must be absent, not with another person in your section. Jim’s preferred form of communication is by cell phone 434-426-1738 and remember to identify yourself, not by cell number.
Our upcoming Christmas Concert is going to be another emotional and life-enhancing event for the community and ourselves. Commitment and Communication will ensure that it happens.
Love to all,