Last night during White Christmas…

… when I turned to conduct the audience in the singalong, I saw an elderly man on the front row “sobbing!. ‘THIS’ is why we do what we do. I could also see pure joy on the faces of those in attendance.  Last night could not have gone...

Reminders and call for help !

Dear Band Peeps, Just a few reminders… 1.           Final rehearsal is Monday, December 2 at Heritage High,  7-9 2.           Concert is Tuesday, December 3 at the Academy Center of the Arts                                Park across the street at...

Last regular rehearsal!

Dear friends, Thursday night will be our last rehearsal before dress on Monday December. We’ll begin with the tunes we did not get to last week. First hour & 15 min…Warm upChristmas Festival Opener going into SSBWhite ChristmasThe Bells of...