Dear friends,
During Christmas in the Islands, it occurred to me that I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun in front of a band. This was the first concert where I feel we were on automatic pilot from beginning to end. That’s because you responded to the request to "do the math" on the rhythmical issues and it showed. Thank you all for your efforts and for what I feel was our most successful performance to date.
WHO ARE WE? We are not one year old, but we are an accomplished ensemble that’s making a difference in our community. Beginning last January 20, we’ve experimented with music to help define what type of ensemble we are. I believe that last night gave us that definition. We are a Show Band, a true Pops ensemble. We are not the type of ensemble to consistently play music like Symphonic Dance no. 3. That was a test of our abilities and our performance was acceptable but not refined. Yet there are some pieces at that level (less technical) that we can aspire to. Example Light Cavalry Overture, Hymn to the Fallen. Going forward I believe the music for our next concert will highlight our true nature.
We will NOT rehearse this Thursday but we will rehearse the two following Thursdays, Dec 8 and Dec 15 7-8:30. These rehearsals are essential in that we will be reading
Hymn to the Fallen by John Williams
America the Beautiful by Carmen Dragon
National Emblem March Bagby
(Plan on Duke Ellington for the Sousa concert too)
My focus for today is pdf-ing these tunes for you.
CONCERNS Last night I was "very" disappointed that we could not start warm-up precisely at 6:45pm. Let’s correct that in the future. Along those same lines, let’s remember our personal commitment of "attendance at 80% of all rehearsals," we need to recommit to that stated goal and let me know in advance when you cannot be present (434-426-1738).
EXCITEMENT! I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to the Sousa Spectacular on March 1. I will be contacting the US Marine Corps Band to see how they might assist us and I’ll be finalizing the program by the New Year.
THANK YOUS! To Danny Moore for his preparation of the chorus. Daryl Duff (wow!) He’s willing to help us in the future. Mary Smallshaw (wow again). Mark Spain for his superb emceeing. To Harold Lee Tipton for his financial support of the band. The Singers for adding so much! To all of you instrumentalists.
Until Dec 8 you’ll be in my hopes, thoughts, and prayers daily!