Dear friends,

Last week’s rehearsal was a real workout that netted some excellent results. Nailing down the technical aspects of the marches now allows us to focus more on the expression of those pieces. Going forward, always remember: Don’t play notes, play music! Simply playing the correct notes is never good enough-it’s what we do with those notes and phrases that will create an emotional experience. Always interpret-never drone.

I inadvertently mislabeled the dates for the long term plan I sent you previously. This Thursday we will do a run-through of our program (originally scheduled for March 31.) I have invited Mark Spain to be with us to do his part. If he cannot, we will do the runthrough at a later date. Please have your music ready in concert order.

If Mark Spain will be with us…

Balance chords – more lengthy approach.

Lynchburg Pops Fanfare

Star-Spangled Banner

Fanfare and Hymn: A Mighty Fortress

Military Escort

Branding Iron

Hymn to the Heartland

Psycho Prelude

Under the Sea

Moon River

On A Hymnsong of Phillip Bliss

The Music Man

United States Armed Forces Salute

Colonel Bogey March

If Mark Spain cannot be with us…

Balance chords – more lengthy approach (5 min)

Hymn to the Heartland – phrasing and expression (10 min)

Branding Iron – slower middle section (similar in style to Heartland) phrasing and expression (10 min)

Fanfare and Hymn – phrasing and expression (10 min)


Lightning Fingers (15 min)

Chorale and Shaker Dance – Readthrough, getting it under our fingers (20 min)

Symphonic Dance no. 3 (remainder of rehearsal)