Dear friends,

I sure hope Santa was good to you! We’ve gotten sooo much awesome feedback on the Christmas Concert. Looking into the coming year I am excited about the rehearsals and the March 1 concert coming up. With only 8 rehearsals remaining, efficiency in each rehearsal is my responsibility. I will be sending out minute by minute rehearsal procedures for each Thursday night. Please keep in mind that 80 % attendance at rehearsals in preparation for a concert is the minimum expected, but it is your responsibility to adhere. You might want to save up that 20% for emergencies especially if you have children or others you’re responsible for.

Major Announcement: I have invited trombonist, Steve Williams to become our Associate Conductor. Steve and I will be working together to develop programs and he will assist with sectionals as needed and conduct a couple numbers on each concert. Steve is the band director at Liberty Middle School in Bedford and has experience conducting community band. Personally he has a good sense of humor and wealth of knowledge of band literature. He will also assume full conducting duties when I will need to be away for a few weeks this coming spring.

As we resume next Thursday January 5, rehearsal time will be 7pm-8:45pm. In other words we’re adding 15 minutes like we did in preparation for last June’s concert. This will, in essence, give us one extra rehearsal in total time spent. I had mentioned The Grey Dawn is Breaking, but considering the time factor, the selections below will give an hour concert along with narration. .

Details for next Thursday are forthcoming.

Notes on the program: I’ve not gotten the music for Sammy yet. I am moving Irish Washerwoman to the Spring. We’ll likely do Shoutin’ Liza in the spring as well. (76 Trombones is a good trombone feature.)


Sousa Fanfare into Star Spangled Banner (3min)

Washington Post March (2:40min)

Esprit du Corps (3min)

Light Cavalry Overture (7:20min)

National Emblem March (3min)

Sammy Davis Jr Medley with Daryl Duff (10min)

76 Trombones (3min)

Duke Ellington (7min)

Hymn to the Fallen (6:30min)

America the Beautiful (2:40min)

Armed Forces Medley (3min)

Stars and Stripes Forever (3:30min)
