… when I turned to conduct the audience in the singalong, I saw an elderly man on the front row “sobbing!. ‘THIS’ is why we do what we do. I could also see pure joy on the faces of those in attendance.
Last night could not have gone off without the help of those of you who moved equipment. Many thanks for your commitment. We still need help for the upcoming mall concert. I’ll send out another email later today on programming.
I typically go to the lobby immediately after concerts and thank patrons for their attendance. I can’t tell you the number of tearful thank yous I received on your behalf. As I was typing this I received a text from a friend who brought his 3 year old son. They were able to stay for about half of the program, but the father said little Jace.liked the Star Spangled Banner best! LOL! Of all the comments I got, it was The Grinch that was mostly missed from last night. Who knew?
Remember: no rehearsal Thursday BUT 7pm concert at the mall next week. Details to follow.
Love and peace to all!