Dear friends,

After much consideration I feel it is essential that we strike Procession of the Nobles from this program and save it for a later date. I spoke with Todd Jennings and he concurs. Simply put, it’s a matter of endurance. The tessitura is so high and sustained, that when it’s paired with similar pieces like the Holst and Stars and Stripes it drains strength from the brass’s lips. If it was “the” big piece of the concert we could do it alone but that would mean dropping the Holst to replace it. I have asked Elora to repost Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing which is a beautiful and emotional piece by Randall Standridge. It’s low impact for endurance but high in expression. This summer Steve and I are going to do sectionals, brass & woodwinds to focus on developing endurance, greater dynamic range, and precision.

A detailed Thursday schedule will come later today or early tomorrow. (Off to SC to see the grands.)
