Congratulations band! You have achieved…

…a pinnacle in performance. Our formal concert of December 3 and the following concert at the mall display a consistently high level of intonation and musical expression. You are listening to what you’re playing and adjusting pitch as needed. The...

Last night during White Christmas…

… when I turned to conduct the audience in the singalong, I saw an elderly man on the front row “sobbing!. ‘THIS’ is why we do what we do. I could also see pure joy on the faces of those in attendance.  Last night could not have gone...

Reminders and call for help !

Dear Band Peeps, Just a few reminders… 1.           Final rehearsal is Monday, December 2 at Heritage High,  7-9 2.           Concert is Tuesday, December 3 at the Academy Center of the Arts                                Park across the street at...

Last regular rehearsal!

Dear friends, Thursday night will be our last rehearsal before dress on Monday December. We’ll begin with the tunes we did not get to last week. First hour & 15 min…Warm upChristmas Festival Opener going into SSBWhite ChristmasThe Bells of...

Thursday rehearsal 11/7

Da’ plan… Warm up 5min Bells of Christmas complete detail work 15min O’Holy Night with Daryl Duff 15min The Christmas Song 15min Singers to Chorus Room Home for the Holidays 10min Up On a Housetop 10min Sleigh Ride 10min Mary Did You Know with...

Thursday Night 10/31

We will be rehearsing but if you need to be with your children or be available to hand out treats that’s understandable. Here’s the plan for rehearsal… Warm Up The Bells of Christmas for detail 15min Mary Did You Know for detail 15min The Christmas...

A Request regarding attendance

Dear friends, I offer my sincere thanks to you who show strong commitment to the band by your constant presence at all or most of the rehearsals. However, some have been erratic in attendance without any kind of communication with me. I am understanding when family...