"NEXT" week when Steve Aiello is back we’ll do a runthrough of the scripted program for Oct 15. I’m satisfied with the music. We’ll just need a some tweaking.
"THIS" week we’ll be doing mostly Christmas music. After the Generations concert we’ll only have 6 rehearsals until Christmas. So Beginning with this rehearsal the NEW REHEARSAL times will be 7pm-9pm. Thanks for your understanding and commitment.
I just finished the arrangement of O’ Holy Night for Daryl and the band. I may have the parts ready for Thursday so stay tuned.
Warm Ups
Orange Blossom Special (George Miklas will be with us)
Irish Washerwoman (Remember that our last runthrough was shaky and I pointed out how essential mental preparation is. Play it freely-NOT labored.
Here We Come A Caroling for structure. Multimeters is a challenge.
Irving Berlin’s Christmas Our concert closer
Christmas in the 50’s for structure
Jing Jing Jingle for structure
Somewhere in My Memory for structure