I am delighted with our bold sound and your aggressiveness with the technical challenge of the music, but we need to focus on expanding our dynamic range.
ppp pp p mp mf f ff fff
A picture is worth a thousand words so please take a look at the attachment which is my perception of where we stand on the dynamic chart. With that in mind, we’re going to begin Thursday’s rehearsal focusing on the quieter moments of the upcoming program.
Warm up
Can’t Help Falling Love mp to f to p mp to mf f to mp to mf
Song Without Words from Holst Suite. (Dynamic Range: PP to P wow!)
Remember that dynamics are always relative to the style and period of a piece.
King Cotton Trio: p (first time) pp (on the repeat.)
Procession of the Nobles for dynamics and precision
Holst Suite (mvts 1, 3, 4) for dynamics and precision.
At A Dixieland Jazz Funeral
See attachment for the concert program. This is likely the final program. You will see that the last 3rd of the program is centered on Patriotic music in honor of Memorial Day. It was not my original plan to have the concert on Memorial Day but the 29th was the only time we could get the academy within the timeframe we wanted. Well… with that comes new emphasis on programming. Hence, we are doing America the Beautiful again with Armed Forces Salute. I’ve decided not to do Magnificent 7 at this time-it just doesn’t feel right on this program.