Dear friends,

Once again, last Thursday’s rehearsal was superb. Thank you for your commitment to the band, for your preparation, and your attention in rehearsals. I have been bragging to other directors about you!

We are having to move A Trumpeter’s Lullaby to the June 16 concert. Our soloist, Larry Seipp, must be out of town at all-state band with his student which begins April 21. So we will have 2 Seipps soloing in June (Lynn Seipp on Lightning Fingers as well). Since we ran Moon River with Kyle last Thursday, we will not be doing it this week.

Thursday March 17

Balance Chords/Tuning – warm up. (3 minutes)

Balladair – runthrough warm up (4 minutes)

Then we’ll be hitting our MARCHES!

United States Armed Forces Salute (as previously scheduled.) (15 minutes)

Military Escort – with added crescendos. Bring a pencil. (15 minutes) (Percussion – I’ll have some crescendos/decrescendo penciled on your parts. I’m open to suggestions too.)

Colonel Bogey March – cleaning the details (15)

On A Hymnsong of Phillip Bliss – securing dynamics/expression. (15)

Lightning Fingers – readthrough

Thursday March 24

Runthrough of program (hopefully with Mark Spain)

Lynchburg Pops Fanfare

Star-Spangled Banner

Fanfare and Hymn:A Mighty Fortress

Military Escort

Branding Iron

Hymn to the Heartland

Psycho Prelude

Under the Sea

Moon River

On A Hymnsong of Phillip Bliss

The Music Man

United States Armed Forces Salute

Colonel Bogey March

Thursday March 31

Revisit any tunes we need to for the April 21 concert


Balance Chords (4)

Symphonic Dance no. 3 (30 Min)

Chorale and Shaker Dance (30 min)

Carmen Suite (20 min) Readthrough

Thursday April 7 (Spring break for LCS-I hope we can rehearse!)

Runthrough Concert Program for the 21st

Does anyone need anything?