Black Pants/Skirt/Dress, Black (not white) shirt/blouse, Black socks for men (not patterned or with musical instruments…black)

Colorful Christmas Ties for the men, (or women)

Santa or Christmas Hat for the appropriate songs, (Happy Holidays, Yes, Virginia…)

The Non-conforming shirts, ties and socks were quite noticeable in the Generations video. Please try to wear black when requested.

I have an extra black shirt if a guy needs to borrow one. Medium/long

Please look at the sign-up sheets below.

We’re pretty well covered for set-up. Could use one more for tear-down and for percussion moving to and from Heritage.

RE: the mall performance:

7:15-7:45pm. Be at the mall by 7:00 we finish by 7:45 so we can clean up and be out of there by 8:00

Blue Band Polo shirts. If you need one, I still have a few left for $15, Black pants, shoes, socks, Christmas hats for the appropriate numbers

Next rehearsal, Monday, November 27, 7-9 pm, Heritage High School Auditorium. Enter by the band room, leave your cases in the band room. “Dress” only means “Final” in the music world. The term comes from the stage when actors really did put on their costumes.


Steve Aiello, President

The Lord is my strength and my song…

Percussion Moving 11_28.pdf

Stage set-up and tear down 11_28.pdf