
Attached are specs for the instrumentation and stage set-up for the concert on Monday. Please take a moment to review them.

Please plan to assemble at Heritage High School at 4:00 on Monday to load up for the move to the Academy. We will be using Steve Burkett’s truck to move the equipment.

My understanding is that Earl Brooks has the list of percussion equipment that will be needed.

Thank you again for your willingness to help!


Hello all,

You are receiving this email because you have volunteered to be part of the moving crew for the May 29th concert (Mike: you are receiving this for Elias).

As a reminder here is the schedule for the day of the concert:

4:30 – pick-up of percussion equipment, podium and extra chairs and stands from Heritage

5:00 – arrival at the Academy with the Percussion equipment, podium and extra chairs and stands set up stage, mics and monitors

6:00 – band ready on stage, tuned and ready for warm-up and run-through

6:45 – leave stage for green room (multi-purpose room) water only no dinner required tonight

7:30 – performance

8:45 – stage tear down and loading of truck with percussion, podium, extra chairs and stands – enter the Academy through the front doors or through the stage door facing 5th street

Please e-mail me back to acknowledge that you have received this.

Thank you for your willingness to serve!

Instrumentation and Set up for May 29, 2023.pdf

stage set-up for May 29th.pdf